GP Patient Survey 2024 Please give us your feedback on the care and support you have received by completing the survey, its brief and anonymous. Step 1 of 5 20% GP practice servicesGenerally, how easy or difficult is it to contact your GP practice on the phone? Very easy Optional Fairly easy Optional Neither easy nor difficult Optional Fairly difficult Optional Very difficult Optional I haven’t tried Optional Generally, how easy or difficult is it to contact your GP practice using their website? Very easy Optional Fairly easy Optional Neither easy nor difficult Optional Fairly difficult Optional Very difficult Optional I haven’t tried Optional Generally, how easy or difficult is it to contact your GP practice using the NHS App? Very easy Optional Fairly easy Optional Neither easy nor difficult Optional Fairly difficult Optional Very difficult Optional I haven’t tried Optional Overall, how helpful do you find the reception and administrative team at your GP practice? Very helpful Optional Fairly helpful Optional Not very helpful Optional Not at all helpful Optional I don’t know Optional How often do you get to see or speak to your preferred healthcare professional when you ask to? Always or almost always Optional A lot of the time Optional Sometimes Optional Never or almost never Optional I haven’t tried Optional Your last contactOnce you had contacted your GP practice, did you know what the next step in dealing with your request would be? Yes Optional No Optional I was told to contact my practice again another day, as they couldn’t help that day Optional I couldn’t contact my practice Optional How soon after you contacted your GP practice did you know what the next step would be? There and then Optional Later on the same day Optional The next day Optional After two or more days Optional I can’t remember Optional Overall, how would you describe your experience of contacting your GP practice on this occasion? Very good Optional Fairly good Optional Neither good nor poor Optional Fairly poor Optional Very poor Optional Your last appointmentWere you offered the following choices? A choice of time or day Optional A choice of location (to see a healthcare professional in person) Optional I was not offered these choices Optional I didn’t need a choice Optional I can’t remember Optional How do you feel about how long you waited for your appointment? It was about right Optional It took too long Optional I don’t know Optional During your last appointment, how good was the healthcare professional at listening to you? Very good Optional Fairly good Optional Neither good nor poor Optional Fairly poor Optional Very poor Optional I don’t know or it didn’t apply Optional During your last appointment, how good was the healthcare professional at treating you with care and concern? Very good Optional Fairly good Optional Neither good nor poor Optional Fairly poor Optional Very poor Optional I don’t know or it didn’t apply Optional During your last appointment, how good was the healthcare professional at considering your mental wellbeing? Very good Optional Fairly good Optional Neither good nor poor Optional Fairly poor Optional Very poor Optional I don’t know or it didn’t apply Optional Did you feel that the healthcare professional had all the information they needed about you? Yes, definitely Optional Yes, to some extent Optional No, not at all Optional I don’t know or it didn’t apply Optional Did you have confidence and trust in the healthcare professional you saw or spoke to? Yes, definitely Optional Yes, to some extent Optional No, not at all Optional I don’t know or it didn’t apply Optional At your last appointment, were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions about your care and treatment? Yes, definitely Optional Yes, to some extent Optional No, not at all Optional I can’t remember or it didn’t apply Optional Thinking about the reason for your last appointment, were your needs met? Yes, definitely Optional Yes, to some extent Optional No, not at all Optional I don’t know Optional Your healthIn the last 12 months, have you had enough support from local services or organisations to help you manage your conditions or illnesses? Yes, definitely Optional Yes, to some extent Optional No Optional I haven’t needed support Optional I don’t know Optional Overall experienceOverall experience Very good Optional Fairly good Optional Neither good nor poor Optional Fairly poor Optional Very poor Optional